Your Newcastle Buyers Agent
Propertyology understands the science of property
As a Newcastle Buyers Agent “Your Time”, “Your Money”, and “Your Best Interests” are as precious to us as they are to you.
Buying a property is probably the single most expensive transaction that you could make. Don’t you think it’s worth increasing your odds of doing it as well as you can? Newcastle buyers agent PROPERTYOLOGY does not sell property – we work exclusively for Newcastle buyers (property investors).
Buying a property is not a five minute exercise.
The most important part of the process is undoubtedly the in depth research that a Newcastle buyers agent does to identify which location in Australia to invest in and then subsequent research to identify the most suitable property.
Our end-to-end buyers agent service involves the following:
Research to identify location
Research to identify suitable property
Appraisal of what the property is worth
Negotiation of the purchase
Helping you to appoint a suitable property manager
Issuing instructions to your quantity surveyor for preparation of depreciation schedule
Regular updates on how the market which we’ve helped you invest in is performing
We also manage the transaction through to settlement of the property, including:
Issue instructions to your solicitor / conveyance
Provide your mortgage broker with copy of contract for valuation purposes
Issue instructions to building inspector
Issue instructions to pest inspector
Actively involved in guiding you re the content in building and pest reports
Liaising direct with your solicitor and mortgage broker on your behalf